Kids Star 1st Move Foldable Tricycle - Blue
Kids Star Foldable Tricycle is perfect for kids to learn to ride on their own or with parental assistance. The fold away design for easy storage or transport.
Opened size (with push handle up): L24.6" W15.4" X H32.7" / L62.5 X W39 X H83cm
Opened size (with push handle down): L24.6" W15.4" X H21.5" / L62.5 X W39 X H54.5cm
Folded size: L15.7" W15.4" X H24.4" / L40 X W39 X H62cm
product features
- When child knows how to ride themselves, the footrest and steering push handle can be folded away
- Fold away safety guard
- Rear basket
- Distance between the seat to the ground is approx. 28.5cm (+/- 2%)
- Distance between the seat to the pedal is approx. 44cm (+/- 2%)
- Suitable for child who can sit unassisted, aged 1.5 through 4 years (Height approx. 31"-36" / 77-90cm +/-2%)
Item# 118511